
The ultimate guide to use Cortana on Windows Phone, describing all Cortana's features, commands, how-to's, settings and interrogative + humorous questions in details. It will not only help users who are new to Cortana but also experienced users to discover a lot of questions and hidden settings. New questions are added in every update and can be found in newly added questions link of ask her tab in the app itself.


✔ The guide is completely FREE, no hidden charges
✔ In-depth instructions for absolute beginners
✔ Basic commands listed to learn quickly
✔ Cortana's Notebook explained in detail
✔ Questions of all sorts to ask Cortana listed categorically
✔ 400 questions and counting...
✔ The guide can read for you (text-to-speech)
✔ No ads at all!
✔ How to get WP8.1 Developer Preview explained
✔ How to get Cortana in non-US countries explained
✔ New questions are added in every update
✔ Promised frequent updates

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