Why Microsoft considering Cortana for iOS and Android

The group program manager of the Microsoft's virtual assistant, Marcus Ash, was weighing the pros and cons of having Cortana on other platforms namely, iOS and Android. While most of the Windows Phone fans will disagree for the idea, here's what Marcus said:

"If I'm a Windows PC user and I have a Kindle tablet and an Android phone, how good is the Windows Cortana experience going to be if it doesn't know anything about what I'm doing with those devices? It's really a difficult question that we're spending a lot of time trying to figure out."

"Clearly we want people to buy Windows, we have a bunch of Windows customers, hundreds of millions that have Windows PCs and would love for them to have a great Cortana experience because once they have that they will probably consider other devices and say 'Well, I want to match them up.' But how do we get Android users or these other iOS users that use Windows to have a great experience?"

Well, his statements appeared focusing more on profits of Microsoft and that he wanted to extend Cortana's reach to everywhere not just Windows Phone, that's obvious when viewing from a Company's prospective. But again, its too early to tell what Microsoft will do next. They sometimes change their decisions depending on what users like you actually want them to do. For instance, they dumped the idea of having Android apps on Windows Phones, Change in name of "Cortana" and many others.